List of available checks

ID Record type
Label1 Label2 Detail view description
1 HH Total number of hauls Comparison of the total number of hauls submitted. The detailed view shows which hauls are different in both versions TotalHauls HaulNo
2 HH Number of hauls per validity flag (V, I, A, C, M, N, S) Comparison of the total number of hauls per validity flag. The detailed view shows the hauls with different validity flags. HaulValidity HaulNo
3 HH Swept-Area parameters reported Comparison of the sum of all parameters involved in the swept-area calculation. The parameters are: DoorSpread, WingSpread, Distance, GroundSpeed, SweepLngt, Depth and NetOpening. Parameter Parameter, HaulNo
4 HH Number of hauls per Datatype (C, S, R,P) Comparison of the total number of hauls per Datatype flag by haul. Datatype HaulNo
5 HH Total hauling duration Comparison of the sum of haul duration in minutes, per Datatype (Only for hauls which are NOT Invalid) Datatype
6 HH ShootLat-ShootLong position by haul Comparison of ShootLat and ShootLong by haul number HaulNo
7 HL Reported species in HL Comparison of the number of different species reported TotalNo of Species HaulNo
8 HL SpecVal reported by SpecCode Comparison of number of occurrences per validity flag and species. Detailed view provides info on occurrences in the hauls involved. SpecCode SpecVal SpecCode, SpecVal(HaulNo)
13 HL Sum of HLNoATLngth (only target species) Comparison of the sum of HL NumberatLength per species. Hauls involved are in the detailed view. Species Length Species, Length(Haulno)
15 CA Number of hauls/number of hauls in CA Compare how many hauls/area reported for CA data TotalHauls HaulNumber
16 CA Reported species in HL Comparison of the number of different species reported TotalNo of Species Haulno
17 CA Sum of CANoATLngth (only target species) Comparison of the sum of CA NumberatLength per species. Hauls involved are in the detailed view. Species Species, HaulNumber/AreaCode
20 CA Number of AreaCode covered Compare total number of area in age data Variable HaulNo
21 CA Sum of NoATLngth by Age classes by species Compare Sum of NoATLngth by Age classes by species per haul/area Species Age Species,Age(HaulNo)
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