Data uploading

Uploading data is a three stage process.

Stage 1 - the data file must first be screened for errors. If the report produces no errors and the user accepts all warnings reported in the file, the file can pass to the next stage.

Stage 2 – The data is plotted on graphs that allow the user to visually check for outliers. If the user accepts the data and any outliers, the file can pass to the next stage.

Stage 3 – The file is now ready for automatic uploading to the DATRAS database, the user will be prompted to confirm on screen.

to start screening your file.

How to upload data into DATRAS

Preparing your data
Use the links further down the page to view the specifications and codes.

The DATRAS database accepts data as defined in the reporting formats.

Reference codes
All reference codes used in ICES databases are stored in one database together with the links between the different codes. The codes relevant to trawl surveys start with "TS_" except codes which are used for both fisheries and environmental data (the code types are: datasets, dataset version, gear, statistical rectangle).

For fisheries data, ICES currently use the Aphia codes when storing species information, as the TSN codes and NODC codes are no longer updated.

Reporting Format
References Codes
Species codes: AphiaID/TSN
Data policy

Data availability
When the data is uploaded it will immediately stored in the DATRAS database. Note that submission status, which allows a user to check which files have been uploaded and when, refers only to live data.

Submission status